Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome.
- Sales Role-play Competition
- ICSC Champion – $2,500 student prize and a $1,000 honorarium to the faculty coach. The student will also receive a Tom James suit.
- 1st Runner-up – $1,000 student prize and a $500 honorarium to the faculty coach. In addition., the student will receive a Tom James sports jacket.
- 2nd Runner-up – Each student receives $500 and a Tom James pants and shirt. $250 honorarium to each faculty coach.
- 3rd Runner-up -$500 and two Tom James shirts. $250 honorarium to each faculty coach.
- Sales Management Case Competition
- 1st Place – $1,000 each student
- 2nd Place – $500 each student
- 3rd and 4th Place – $250 each student
Set Sail on Your Career – Earn your way to a fun afternoon and evening at an Orlando Theme Park!
Every student attendee has one of three very good reasons why they should visit as many career fair booths as possible:
- You are actively seeking a career starting position or internship
- You are in an exploration phase and considering a direction
- You already have a starting position with some company but have the responsibility of bringing information back to those students in you sales program who did not attend ICSC.
Learn about the sponsors of ICSC, their products and industry and the opportunities they offer. Visit at least 10 of the sponsors and clearly and professionally demonstrate one of the above three reasons for gathering information about their opportunities. If the sponsor feels it was both earnest and professional, they will give you one of your ten invites to an Orlando Theme Park. If every student from a university receives a ticket to the Orlando Theme Park the faculty coach is also invited.