November 5 – 8, 2025
Pre-Registration Selection and Process
During the spring semester the ICSC pre-registration date and time will be announced by email.
Pre-registration opens in three phases:
- The top 50 universities from the previous year are invited to pre-register.
- New universities are invited to pre-register.
- Remaining Universities are invited to pre-register.
Within 1-2 weeks you will be notified if you were selected to participate in one of the 80 slots for ICSC that following fall semester.
If you are a new university and would like to be invited to participate in ICSC, please complete the ICSC University Contact Form.
If you have any questions, please contact Shannon Young at 850-644-9657.
Online Registration
You will be notified by email once you have been accepted into the Competition and when your profile is ready for additional information (i.e. names of competitors, faculty information, and additional attendee info). Log in using your assigned ICSC username and password and click on the “University Registration”. The University Registration form should be updated immediately with contact information and should be kept current throughout the duration of the registration process. Once you log in, the form will time out if left idle for a period of time.
Step-by-Step Registration Directions – Printable
Step-by-Step Registration Directions – Video
From here you can also click the “University Participation” link to make updates on student participation.
- Indicate which competition(s) (role-play and/or sales management case) your school was accepted to compete in. A university may compete in either or both (two undergraduate competitors are required for each). Due to popularity, this is determined on a first come first serve basis and the final determination will be sent in the initial email to the faculty coach.
- For the Speed Selling Competition, two competitors from each university can participate. Role play and sales management case competitors, or any additional students (alternates) you choose to bring may compete in speed selling (however, alternates are not reimbursed for travel).
- The deadline to complete the University Participation profile to include name, shirt size, email address, and cell phone numbers for ALL students is September 29th.
- When your students are actually registered, it is essential that you provide EACH student’s email address and cell phone number. All students will receive role-play judging forms via email IF their correct email address is provided.
- For each student, please send student resume, a signed Student Photo and Recording Release Forms and and a signed Professionalism Pledge to All resumes and forms are due by September 29th. Resumes are required to be sent in PDF format. Please save as last name first name name of item (example Young Shannon Resume or Young Shannon Release).
- For each faculty member and or all others in attendance, a signed Faculty Photo and Recording Release Form is also required. All forms are due by September 29th. Please save as last name first name Release (example Young Shannon Release).
- You can modify your profile and add or change the names of competitors or additional students at any time up to September 29th.
- Final invoicing for additional students that have been added will be sent shortly after the close of Registration (September 29th). Unless the final number of students is determined by the school in advance and an invoice is requested.
Registration Fees
The registration fee is $175 each for two role-play competitors and $350 for the team of two sales management case competitors. For additional students, the registration fee is $125.
ALL students MUST pay a registration fee no matter their title or role ex. student coach. The ONLY students that do not have to pay are graduate students and student coaches for teams that have no other coach. The two types of students should be listed in the University Registration Form with the appropriate title. ALL other students should be listed in the University Participation form as an additional student.
Registration fees are due on receipt of invoice. Any school that has not paid by April 30th relinquishes participation in the Competition and will be replaced by a school on the wait list. Registration fees will not be reimbursed for cancellations made after Wednesday, September 3rd. Please see the Cancellation Policy, below, for more details.
University Responsibility
It is the participating university’s responsibility to keep the online registration system updated.
The University Registration form should be kept updated from the time of acceptance into the Competition.
If you leave your position, it is your responsibility to update the online registration form with the new contact information and provide the new contact with the university’s credentials. If a permanent replacement has not been found, it is perfectly fine to have someone take on the role temporarily (typically the Department Chair).
If your form is not kept up to date, you take the risk of your University getting dropped from the Competition for unresponsiveness.
Please understand that this is the largest sales competition in the world so again it is the participating university’s responsibility to keep their online registration forms up to date at all times. ICSC will make a telephone and email attempt to contact the participating university.
Dress Code
There is no set dress code for the event. Partner Companies should dress according to their day-to-day work environment.
Cancellation Policy
Participating Universities must cancel by September 3rd to receive a refund of registration fees. All refund requests must be received in writing. Please send refund requests by email to
If the ICSC is cancelled by the Sales and Marketing Education Foundation, Inc. (SMEF) we will refund registration fees.
If paid by credit card, the service company may keep a small percentage but SMEF refunds 100% through the system.