Career Fair Instructions

Earn your way to a fun afternoon and evening at an Orlando Theme Park!

Every student at ICSC has one of three very good reasons why they should visit as many career fair booths as possible:

  • You are actively seeking a career starting position or internship
  • You are in an exploration phase and considering a direction
  • You already have a starting position with a company but have the responsibility of bringing information back to other students in you sales program who could not attend ICSC.

Learn about the ICSC sponsors, their products and industries and the opportunities they offer. Learn more here: Career Fair Opportunities. Visit at least 10 sponsors and clearly and professionally demonstrate one of the above three reasons for gathering information about their opportunities. If the sponsor feels it was both earnest and professional, they will give you one of your ten invites to an Orlando Theme Park. Your free pass to an Orlando Theme Park will be exchanged for the 10 invites from 10 different sponsors and your registration badge between the designated times on Saturday morning before the Awards Luncheon. If every student from a university receives a ticket to the Orlando Theme Park, then the faculty coach is also invited.

The Pass is good after the awards luncheon for entrance to your one pre-assigned park only. Buses will load at the conclusion of the awards luncheon as noted on the Competitor’s Agenda.


Your hotel room(s) for that evening is not covered by ICSC. The room charges for your school on Saturday evening will be your responsibility at the time of check-out.


Discounted tickets may be purchased in advance by sponsors and additional faculty or staff members for $114. If you are a University, follow the directions on the University Logistics page. If you are a Sponsor, follow the directions on the Sponsor Logistics page. Contact Shannon Young by Friday, September 19th with any questions.

Florida State University Sales Institute